Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weigh in Day 4/16/11

Well it is weigh in day and on weigh in day you don't always take the first number the scale gives you so i usually weigh myself a couple times and take the number that pops up the most. this week I lost 1.5 pound. i am surprised i lost anything considering i ate like shit but i did work out so i must have worked out enuf to have me loose. Keebler Elves are the devil. Cheese garlic french bread is evil. Dh should know he gained 4lbs. Good note though is the elliptical should be coming soon. I also got a new pair of shape ups so i hope that helps my knee.

One good fact is that Hormel black label bacon is 1pt per slice. AWESOME. where sausage is like 5pts for 3 links (unless you go with turkey sausage)

now for a bit of TMI. if you don't want to continue i understand. but I am finding issue with gas. now we all know women to pass gas. we say we don't but we do. I usually am in the AM and AM only. Also they have no scent. but lately i find there are days where i am very gassy and they smell worse than my husbands. I am thinking it has to do with all the broccoli I am eating. I think GasX will be my friend everytime i eat broccoli.

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