Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weigh In Day 4/15/2012

Well I decided to make Sunday my new weigh in day. Usually after weigh in I have a splurge day but it was ending up that I was splurging not only Sat but Sunday as well and then I was playing catch up all week. So now with weigh in on Sunday, I am watching what i eat Sat cuz I know I am weighing in Sun and then splurge day is Sunday so that I am only catching up for Sun and not the whole weekend. Monday is back to the gym and watching my point.

So Drum Roll. this week I am at 186.5. Last Weekend i was 187.8. I know i didn't blog about it or even log it on Weight Watchers. so I am down just over 1lb. but I was also broken this week so i don't know if that has anything to do. I am just happy to be below 187 cuz it seems i just couldn't get below that number. i have 6.5 pounds till my next mini goal of 180.

One good thing about us not doing the main stream holidays is that I am not competing with the easter candy in the house. Ok yes i bought some m&m's but i didn't touch them till yesterday and that was only cuz Sam opened them.

I am looking into possibly getting a bike. it has been years since i rode a bike. Also my Water Fitness instructor is moving and that will leave tues and thursday without something to do unless of course they replace her with someone decent. if it is going to be Edna or Sue then i guess i will have to move on to W.F. To what i don't know. there are 2 land class i might look into.

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