Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Weight loss. UGH

trying to lose and failing miserably.  If hubby hadn't pushed me to find a job then I would still be going to the gym.  I started gaining when I stopped.  I can't workout at home.  I just can't.  there is no one to push me.  at the gym I sucked it up and kept going.  Everyone was watching.  No one is watching here so if I want to sit out or quit early.  who is to stop me.  Also water.  I don't drink enuf.  I know it.  When I am working it is impossible to get enuf.  Unless I think about it and grab a drink every time I pass the water fountain.

Weight loss programs I have tried

Weight watchers.  This works.  until i plateaued

ViSalus -  good shakes but didn't lose anything. 

Thrive by Le-Vel.  Not a weight loss program but they do say one of the side effects is Weight loss and appetite suppression.  um not for me.  My appetite is the same.  and I lost no weight

Anyway.  trying to lose as much as I can by end of Aug..in a competition with my sisters and mom.  going to try and get more water in and going to try and get some workouts in

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