Friday, April 22, 2011

Elliptical is in the house

We have been shopping around for an elliptical. i have been scouring the websites and all the ones of good price i was iffy on. i wanted something that would last, is quiet. A bunch on the websites got good reviews but then the bad reviews i read just threw me. i took dh to 2nd wind fitness. now when you see that name what do you think of. preused fitness machines at low prices right. Well yeah NOPE sure they sell some used stuff but alot in there is new. But dh stood on the Octane and loved it but just couldn't decide. the Octane is what i work out on at the gym when i go. So then we went and tried out the Sole. It felt ok to me but it hurt dh's knee. back to the Octane. then dh was instant on the PreCor. i was skeptical cuz finding one to try was difficult. I didn't want to buy one only to find it hurt dh's knee cuz after all it really is for him to work out since he refuses to go to the gym with me. Finally we found a dealer and were able to try it out. i was still skeptical cuz remember i am an Octane girl. So our PreCor was delivered and set up yesterday. I got to pop on it this AM. let me tell you. it is a work out. I love that it goes up and down and changes resistance. the Octane was always just one thing. this machine does up and down. so you can go up and it is like you are taking higher steps. I did 25 min this morning and let me say i was working out. i could feel my back sweating. and it is soooo quiet. i can work out and dh can sleep. i could have pushed for the remaining 5min but i really was thirsty. Dh popped on after me and he said come help me. i said what did you want to do and he said what you did. ok...he got on and lasted 7min. he went 1min into when it raised the resistance and then collapsed like he ran a marathon. yep, he is going to have to work up to 30min. shoot i am going to have to work up to 30min cuz yeah it is alot harder than the octane. i also have to move the machine over cuz i can't see the tv and i am going to have hide the time cuz then i watch the clock.

but all in all I am glad we went with this one cuz it is going to give us a challenge everytime instead of getting into a same ol same ol pattern

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