Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weigh In day 4/9/11

yeah i know you all are so looking forward to this day. Well guess what i am down again. that little weight gain last weekend was due to me being a girl and having that monthly visitor we so enjoy looking forward to (NOT) soooo drum roll please.

SIX and A HALF pounds lost

Now mind you weight watchers is telling me that i am loosing too fast but i think for me loosing a couple pounds, no pounds, alot of pounds. Is typical for me. I am watching what i eat. no longer eating the stuff i use to and if i do i have to make sure i have the points for it. and if i don't have the points i make sure i work out to earn the chance to eat it.

Husband is slowly learning this too but he flubs up more than me. for instance yesterday. we got domino's pizza. we share a medium. i had 3 slices (mind you i hadnt really eaten much that day so it was kinda like dinner and lunch rolled into one) and he had 3 pieces and a serving of Buffalo wings with dressing. sometime in the middle of the night he finished off the 2 slices and one of my healthy choice meals. that was probably during the change over of day points but ya kinda get where i am going. He relies on me on work days to give him low point meals but when he is off work it is when he has issues sticking to it. nothing to keep his mind off things and so he watches tv and eats/munches.

thankfully though we are getting an elliptical and so he will be able to workout and help him earn points for those splurges. even if he don't use it I know I will. i love the elliptical at the gym. so it will be great for me to get my work out on during the weekend or when the kids are off.

oh and i found something that is so nummy. Special K Fiber bars. so far i have tried all 4 and they are delicious. good for when you are just craving that candy bar. size of a candy bar but half the points as one. the coconut carmel reminds me of the girl scout cookies. the peanut butter one YUM. they have chocolate chip and dark chocolate and almonds. 3 points each.

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