Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weigh In 2/27/12

I know that it has been a quiet week via my blog but I just haven't been in much a mood to blog. This weeks weigh in I am at a 1lb loss. I should feel good about that since I haven't exercised but 2x. This last week i also started Phase 2. I also am going to start African Mango this week.

In the weight loss world there is a new drug that is going to be released. It is called Qnexa. it is touted as gastric bypass in a bottle. It won't be a drug I will be taking becuz 1. I am not extremely Obese anymore. 2. I am doing well on WW. 3. one of the side effects is kidney stones and since I am a frequent creator of those, i don't need something to make me create more.

The way that the African mango works for weight loss is in speeding up the body’s metabolism. Toxins block the body’s ability to absorb the proper nutrients and energy needed to burn fat and increase metabolism. When this happens, the body is at a stalemate and cannot burn the fat needed for weight loss. When African mango extract is ingested, it eliminates nutrient blocking toxins which allows the body to acquire the energy it needs to burn fat. Also, in terms of weight loss, the African Mango contains loads of Vitamin B. Vitamin B helps to increase metabolism for carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. In metabolizing these products the body in return has more energy to exercise which leads to increase in fat burning energy. Also vital to weight loss is the production of Adiponectine. Adiponectine is a hormone that regulates how the body absorbs glucose. Adiponectine also increase blood flow for better circulation.

Now don't think that this is a weight loss pill. It isn't. You still have to watch what you eat and exercise. This is a Weight Loss Aid not a miracle pill.

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