Saturday, May 7, 2011

Weigh In Day 4/8/11

Well today is weigh in day. i was a bit nervous about today as i have been eating for shit all week. almost a whole box of Fudge stripe cookies, oreos one here one there. yeah it has been a munching week. but i did loose this week. it probably would have been more if i would have not munched so much but a loss is a loss right. at least it isn't a gain. i lost 3.5lbs this week. Total since the start of this weight loss journey 28lbs. I am closer to 200 every day. once i hit 200 my goal. then i will set 180.

working out is a bitch. i am ok with water fitness. i love it. don't feel like working out but DAMN my new ellipitcal is kicking my ass. i do 33min a day when i am not doing water fitness and even that i push and push to finish and then after i am done my legs feel like i ran a marathon. In the am i wake up so stiff and sore. i know eventually it will get easier and i just have to push through but it is sooo hard. though i am catching up with Army Wives on netflix. i watch almost a whole episode while working out then i collasps on the bed and finish the show up. i have to cover up the clock so that i don't watch it cuz then the time will DRAG on. Dh has been good too about working out. not so good about eating better. sure he sticks to his points but his food choices aren't the best.

I also lost a point for this last weight loss. i get 29 daily points, but the good news is that is the lowest i will go. i can earn points for the day by continuing to work out though.

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