Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weigh In Day 5-14-11

Well this week was a so so week. I didn't really work out like I did the week before and i ate some stuff i probably shouldnt have. And it showed. while i didn't loose anything, I didn't gain anything either. but while it was a so so week there was some high points. Point number 1. I took the kids to the Children's museum on Sunday and i had to keep hiking up my pants. yep, lost enuf that my jeans are slipping off my butt. Point number 2. Someone at the center who hasn't seen me in a bit notice i have lost weight. YEAH. most people i see daily don't see it as well they see me daily. I know my sister's would see it cuz they don't see me but 3 times a year. Mother in law is coming this wednesday so she will probably say something too but really she says something everytime she sees me and those time i really didn't loose anything.

On the agenda this week. workout more (got a new suit for water fitness) Snack more on good stuff and stop getting those trigger cookies. (DAMN YOU Elves)

Today we went out to eat and I got the walleye grilled not fried, and despite me wanting to eat that whole mound of potatoes. I didn't. i ate maybe 1/4 of it. Dh saved me from the big slice of fresh bread they gave with the meal but sadly he didn't need to eat it either as he gained this week.

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