Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"Would you like to make it a meal"

Today I had Subway for lunch. It is a great meal. I usually get a foot long ($5) then eat half with ice water and then take the other half home for lunch the next day. I also get mayo on the side as the packets they give you are light. But I always find it funny that they always ask "would you like to make it a meal today" HUH I am eating Bread, cheese, veggies. that is a meal. how is adding chips and a soda making it a meal. What it is making is my scale to go up and my ass to get bigger. Seriously Subways White chocolate and Macadamia cookies are SIX POINTS. Oh but they are so good but now that i know they are 6 points I won't be getting them again. My half sub is 9 points. hmmm cookie or sub. which is bigger and better for you. The other thing that bugged me is I sat there listening to everyone and so many people said "I would like a POP with that" sorry dude it is a SODA. not pop.

The other funny happened this AM. Hubby was watching Good morning america and there was a report on a women who lost 100lbs on weight watchers. He was all "see she lost 100 lbs" and I am like "What, what does that have to do with me. I have lost 60# already. I am still working on loosing more." Ugh, plus that women is taller than me. Also she told them that she lost it in little bits. which is what I am doing. I told him i have goals. This is coming from the person who really isn't watching as closely as he should be and he stopped exercising. This is also him telling me about this as I was heading out the door to go to body pump. it just upset me a little cuz he is acting like I am giving up and stopping. NO I am not. I still exercise at least once a day (sometimes twice) and watch what i eat. I soooo want to try those new BK fries i keep hearing the commercial for but i haven't yet. If you want to read the article or see the video clip, you can go here


A Frazzled Mommy said...

He sees you every day, so he doesn't notice the difference as drastically as if he hadn't seen you for a month. After not seeing you for that month, I couldn't believe what a huge change you had made. But when I was seeing you every day, it was hard to notice. Don't let your dh discourage you. You are doing absolutely fabulous! Keep it up!

Babykitty said...

Yeah I know he knows i have lost a lot. since it is his pocket book that i have been using to get new cloths. he was just stating that she lost 100 lbs cuz i was telling him that I won't get down to the weight he would like. 120# I am sorry i have had 3 kids. I just wish my legs would reflect the loss i have done but they still look GROSS. I can't wait till i hit 140-150 and then the prospect of surgery to get rid of skin. it might get me down to 130