Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yeah it is that time we all DREAD


This year is my 20th reunion. i didn't make it to any others but i am kicking around the idea of going to this one. But this also makes me want to kick the weight loss in high gear. I know WW says try not to look more than 2lbs a week. But our reunion is in Aug and while i am considerably lighter than Jan. I am still not where i would like. I know, I know we all gain weight after school and there are some of us that are graced with good genes where we gain very little. and then there are some of us (ach hum) who are not only vertically challenged but gained alot of weight and as we all know on short people weight makes us look alot heavier than we are. So dependant on how much I can loose in the next 9 weeks is dependant on whether or not I will be going to this reunion. there is no way i will be at the 180 I would like to be. but if i could hit 200 that would be ok. But then I have to think about money. Oh crap, i just thought of something. i don't know if my dh will agree to me going out of town 2 weeekends in a row. i have a thing at then end of July too. (which reminds me i need to start pricing cloths to have a garage sale to earn money for that)

I been reading Facebook (amazing thing FB) and we have a reunion page and it just brings back alot of memories. My husband wont understand as he hated school but i enjoy school. Now that i think about it. Yeah at the time i couldn't wait to get out of there but now i miss it. We had fun. i wasn't popular but i wasn't a loner either. I had friends in ever clique and yeah i had fun.

On another note, my hubby got me a new camera and i am going to see if i can get a picture of me up. i wish i did a before picture but now i guess i can. maybe i can find a picture of me that my kids took without me knowing. but first i need to find my house. been doing alot of furniture moving and yard work today. I am not sure how many points I earned in Activity but yeah is should be over 10

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