Sunday, January 16, 2011

Made a chicken for dinner

it was OK. not as nummy as those rotissery ones from the store. I am currently at my limit for points today. good thing it is 7pm and time to start getting kids to bath and bed. I will have some fruit later to snack on as that is zero and i had my fill of veggies today. i have apples and oranges. YUMMY! I need to get back to Walmart for some more Apples and Oranges though this week and then Aldi's for some more Cinnamon snack.

Aldi's has this low calorie snacks and foods called Fit & Active. They have a snack that is mini rice cakes with cinnamon and white chocolate swirls on top. They are Sooooooooo good. I gave one to the man for work and he came home and said "you need to hide these" They also have a version of Special K bars but they aren't as nummy as the special K ones.

I have to order the food scale from WW though (per dh's order) as he keeps asking me, how much is this and did you weigh this. dude, i think i know what a serving of Chicken looks like. he never saw the whole. Deck of cards is your meat and such and such.

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